A range of formal and non-formal activities will be recognized toward meeting the CPD requirement. They include all activities that enhance professional competences and lead to better delivery of health care services, and usually include a focus on one or more critical skills or values, such as the implementation of best practice recommendations for clinical care or community practice, quality improvement, new and improved procedural skills, improved communication skills, bioethics, leadership and management, patient safety issues, medicine safety issues, and medical computer applications.

Goal of CPD Activities

To enhance professional competency in terms of knowledge, skills and attitudes for improved patient’s/client’s outcomes

CPD Activity Standards

The CPD activities must meet the following minimum standards:-

  1. CPD activities should contribute to learning and improve quality of care or services
  2. CPD activities should have SMART learning outcomes
  3. Should adhere to a basic minimum standard of quality
  4. CPD should be provided by a provider registered in Tanzania. If registered outside Tanzania, they must be in partnership with a recognized CPD provider in Tanzania
  5. CPD must be provided by trainers or facilitators, who are experienced in the content area; whose qualifications are appropriate to the content area and can be verified by the regulatory body
  6. CPDs must be provided using effective teaching and learning strategies matched to content, level, outcomes and type of learners
  7. CPD activities must use valid and reliable assessment tools that provide feedback on whether the learning outcomes have been met
  8. CPD providers must have appropriate systems and procedures for collecting data and storing data of participants
  9. CPD activities must be free of conflicts of interest related to commercial supporters and willingly disclose any conflicts of interest

CPD Activity Principles

The CPD activities must align along the following principles:-

  1. Beneficence: CPD activities must be responsive to the patient’s/client’s needs, practitioners, society and national needs
  2. Integrity: That all practitioners and accredited CPD providers shall comply with CPD regulations
  3. Ethical: Practitioners and accredited CPD providers shall fully adhere to health profession ethics
  4. Self-directed based on an individual learning plan and accountable for their own learning
  5. Designed to meet identified gaps in an individual’s knowledge skills and attitudes
  6. Designed to enhance the provision of quality care or services to patient, clients and the community
  7. Relevant to current and future health care practice
  8. Affordable, accessible, equitable, sustainable, ethical and transparent
  9. Evidence and competency based
  10. Multidisciplinary sensitive and promoting inter- disciplinary collaboration
  11. Flexible and versatile in mode of delivery
  12. Based on adult learning principles and accommodating different learning styles
  13. Based on respect for the rights of self and others


CPD Credit Weighting

One CPD point or credit is equivalent to 1 hour of active learning (Active learning activities include; small group activities, hands on sessions, interactive lectures, group discussion, meetings, case discussions etc.)

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